
Download PanGu 1.2.1 for jailbreak iOS 7.1

2014年10月4日 — Download PanGu 1.2.1 for jailbreak iOS 7.1 – iOS 7.1.1. Now you can download panGu 1.2.1 for untethered jailbreak iOS 7.1/ iOS 7.1.1 and iOS 7.1 ...

How to jailbreak iOS 7.1 and iOS 7.1.1 untethered with ...

2018年4月17日 — Step 6: The jailbreak process will start. Eventually you will see the Pangu app icon on the Home screen. Tap the Pangu icon to launch the Pangu ...

iOS 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 Untethered Jailbreak Released ...

2014年9月27日 — iOS 7.1.1, iOS 7.1.2 and iOS 7.1 untethered jailbreak has now been released. We have covered it in detailed in separate posts given right ...

iOS 7.1 , 7.1.1 , 7.1.2 完美越獄

How To Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 ,7.1, 7.1.2 Untethered iPhone 5S, 5C ,5,4S ,4, iPad Air,4,3,2 Mini & iPod T 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Jailbreak Ios 7.1.1 or 7.1

Jailbreaking permits root access to the iOS file system and manager, allowing the download of additional applications, extensions, and themes that are ...

Pangu V1.1.0.exe IOS 7.1

As promised, the PanGu team behind the iOS 7.1.1 untethered jailbreak have released an updated version of the PanGu jailbreak tool.


2021年10月31日 — You can re-enable this after it is jailbroken. Set the date to the device to June 1, 2014. Click Jailbreak in the pangu app.


2014年10月4日—DownloadPanGu1.2.1forjailbreakiOS7.1–iOS7.1.1.NowyoucandownloadpanGu1.2.1foruntetheredjailbreakiOS7.1/iOS7.1.1andiOS7.1 ...,2018年4月17日—Step6:Thejailbreakprocesswillstart.EventuallyyouwillseethePanguappiconontheHomescreen.TapthePanguicontolaunchthePangu ...,2014年9月27日—iOS7.1.1,iOS7.1.2andiOS7.1untetheredjailbreakhasnowbeenreleased.Wehavecovereditindetailedinseparatepostsgive...